Customer Testimonials

Hear directly from our satisfied customers about our quality work, our outstanding craftsmanship, and attention to detail.

“Jiffy did an excellent job”

I also like to recognize when things are done well. Jiffy did an excellent job in expressing my concerns with my door weatherstripping on Monday. The Owner called me to relay that they wanted to get the concerns rectified and that their people would be at my door shortly.

Two gentlemen arrived promptly. I expressed my concerns and after several attempts and verifications, they rectified the issues. They spent an incredible amount of time on this and took great care. I was very impressed with their professionalism and genuine interest in solving the concern.

Thank you,

Todd Buch,

Buch Enterprises, Palm Coast, FL

“I like having a vendor that follows through”

I returned to Tidelands this afternoon to find several cars and Building 19 had notices posted on them (my car did not since I was away). These were notices that the Jiffy Services team will be cleaning the roofs on 8/25-8/28 and we should not be parking next to the building.

Marty, I would like you to give Jiffy feedback that our board member thinks this is AWESOME! I really like having a vendor that: (1) thinks ahead, (2) finds a simple, low-cost solution to an issue they KNOW is coming, and (3) follows through.

I have had many people repeatedly asking “when will the roofs be done” because they are concerned about their cars. Jiffy heard about the previous vendor issues and it looks to me like Jiffy solved the problem because there is no freaking way you’re going to miss those yellow notice papers on the cars.

Good Job Jiffy!


Jeffrey Cooke

Tidelands, St. Augustine, FL

“Outstanding Work”

Jiffy did an amazing job repairing my tile roof which was damaged by a falling tree limb. The owner personally stopped by promptly to review the issue and provided a quote on the spot. They then arrived the very next day as promised and fixed my roof the same day. They did a fantastic job and I couldn’t be happier with their service. Thank you!

Jane C.

Palm Coast, FL